Aminata Mbengue NDIAYE

Government: Minister

  • Terms of Office: 4 avril 2012
  • Birthday (Month, Date):
  • Accomplishments:
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Female Senegalese politics, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye, since April 4, 2012, Minister of Livestock and livestock production despite the alterations made since the election of Macky Sall. Under the magisterium of Abdou Diouf, she was Minister for Women, Children and Families. She also held the chair of Minister of Social Development and National Solidarity. With the mix of 2000 following which the Socialists had lost power, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye had sat in the National Assembly from 2001 to 2007. It was based on the national list of the Socialist Party. teacher training, the Minister of Livestock and livestock production is now president of the women's movement of the Socialist Party (PS). The past sixty, she embodied the opposition especially in Louga, his hometown, during the twelve-year reign of the Liberal regime. An imprint that has borne fruit. The socialist is returned for mayor of the city between 2009 and 2014 with the coalition Benno Siggil Senegal. Maniang Faye's Senegalese Democratic Party had, in 2004, was the first magistrate of the city of Louga. Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye has also provided support for the adoption of the parity law that establishes the presence of women in elected and decision-making.
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