Yaya Abdoul KANE

Government: Minister

  • Terms of Office: 2014
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Abdoul Kane Yaya, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications is a PhD in Sociology from the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. Arrived in 2014 at the head of the telecommunications department of the native Kobilo (in the Matam) is convinced that the technologies of information and communication can contribute to the fight against poverty and continues to work in this direction. Mayor Dabia (Matam region) is mainly engaged in the development process of their area. It will incorporate several NGOs working in this direction. In its trajectory Yaya Abdul Kane will find a position in the Department of Decentralised Cooperation. Soon after, he was appointed Special Advisor to the Head of State on rural development issues. A position he quickly abandon in favor of the Minister of Telecommunications. Activist and part of Apr, man is described as a lieutenant of Farba Ngom MP from the same locality.
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