221014.6957222 -17.44617119999998

Minister of Infrastructure, Land Transport and the opening up

  Minister of Infrastructure, Land Transport and the opening up
  • 0.00
  • Address : Ex Camp Lat Dior, Avenue Peytavin x Corniche Ouest BP 4014 ,
  • Sector: Transport
  • Accomplishments:
  • Minister: Mansour Elimane KANE

  • Cabinet Director: Oumar SYLLA

  • General Secretary: Aubin Jules Marcel SAGNA

  • Presentation
     The Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Opening up headed Mr. Mansour Elimane Kane since July 2014 submitted to the Prime Minister's authority.
     The Decree 2014-879 of 22 July 2014 fixed it as the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Transport and Opening up to prepare and implement the policy defined by the Head of State in the areas of land transport and infrastructure. This particular exercise the powers relating to road and rail transport. It is responsible for ensuring the achievement and maintenance of major road and rail infrastructure. As such, he is responsible for the development and implementation of opening-up strategies.
    Under Transportation:
    It implements the policy of urban transport and inter urban. It ensures the consistency and the condition of the road network. It ensures an easy road links to all areas of the country. It shall in connection with the Ministers of Interior and of the armed forces, strengthening prevention and road safety. It oversees the implementation, on the whole national territory, technical control centers of motor vehicles and ensure their proper functioning. He is responsible for development of rail traffic both nationally and ensures transport facilitation and transit along Interstate priority road corridors UEMOA. It develops the policy of inter-modality and ensures the development of rail and port multimodal platforms. He supported the policy to improve the network and rolling stock. It prepares the social rules in the field of transport and follows the social issues of the sector.

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