220014.6957222 -17.44617119999998

Minister of Industry and Mines

  Minister of Industry and Mines
  • 0.00
  • Address : 112 bis, avenue Peytavin - BP 4037,
  • Sector: Mines et Industries
  • Accomplishments:
  • Minister: Aly Ngouille NDIAYE

  • Cabinet Director: Modienne GUISSE

  • General Secretary: Mamadou DIOP DE CROIX

  • Presentation

    2013-1279 is the Decree of 23 September 2013 which led to the appointment of Mr. Aly Ndiaye Ngouille the Ministry of Industry 's head and mining September 23, 2013 .

     The Ministry of Industry and Mines prepares and implements the policy defined by the Head of State in the fields of industry, prospecting and mining operations.
    Under the industry: It promotes the deployment of new industries and ensure their harmonious distribution throughout the territory. It encourages the establishment of industrial areas in local communities. He accompanied the restructuring of industrial enterprises. It develops and implements strategies for the development of quality promotion programs through the dissemination of the culture of quality and certification in industrial companies. It encourages and supports the efforts of competitiveness and the promotion and export policies of industrial products. He is responsible for the implementation of standardization policy and activities, protection of industrial property and technological innovation. It shall in relation to the Minister for the Environment, to monitor classified industrial installations.
    Under the Mines: It promotes and supervises the exploration and mining. He is responsible for developing legislative and regulatory provisions applicable to the mining sector.

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